I'm really excited for the new year in Primary! It always feels good - sort of a "return" to the normal routine. Well, at least in a few weeks it will feel that way. I'm sure the next 2 weeks will be a little hectic as everyone adjusts to new teachers/classrooms/etc.
Because the first couple weeks are always hectic enough with all the changes (and because we have 5 whole Sundays in January this year), I'm choosing to wait a couple weeks to introduce "As a Child of God."
I am, however, wanting to teach a new song. I just thought I'd stick with one that is a little shorter & easier to learn (and some of the kids might already be familiar with it!)
First, I made a new CTR shield out of foam board (thank you Dollar Tree for selling foam board for only $1!)
I made a pattern with a good ole' paper grocery sack & traced in onto the foam board.
Spray paint it (with a fairly thin layer of spray paint) green & while it's drying I used my paper sack shield to sketch my letters. I used white contact paper for my letters - because I just happened to have it. No reason you couldn't just use paper though.
Add the letters to the shield and a simple duct tape handle on the back... TA DA! A nifty little CTR shield I plan to use repeatedly this year!
This is how I plan to use it tomorrow:
To teach the primary song, Choose the Right Way
I love flipcharts... the convenience/space-saving/simplicity of them. But I really like VARIETY (and I'm pretty sure the kids like it even more than I do...) So, I try to think of creative ways to teach the songs. (Even if it means I have to haul posters, shields, dress-ups, and countless other awkward-items-to-carry, to church each week.)
Tomorrow I want to introduce the theme for the year and our primary's new CTR shield. I'll ask what it means to "choose the right." And how does it make you feel when you choose the right?
After I've sung it for them, I'll have them help me pick out what pictures go with each phrase, and we'll attach them to the shield.
When introducing new songs I like to alternate like this {introduce song & sing through it a couple times, then start the activity, sing a familiar song, activity, new song, activity, familiar song, activity, new song, etc.}
If you're interested in the pictures I used (you could really even print this off and use it as a flipchart if you feel so {inspired}) you can access it here: (sorry a couple pages are in the wrong order... oops)


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