December 30, 2011

Activity Countdown to 2012

After seeing several super fun & creative countdown ideas on Pinterest, I felt {inspired} to be a better mom and make this New Years Eve - a holiday I generally associate with adults - fun for my kiddos!

So, I came up with this:

A simple, but cute, activity countdown for a little family fun!

I decided to do 10 activities (get it? 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-HAPPY NEW YEAR!) But, instead of counting down to the actual New Year (my kids are a little TOO little to stay up until midnight), we'll be counting down until it's time to go to our family party! Each little scroll has a fun activity to enjoy as a family.

Each hour, starting at 10:00am, we'll do an activity. I'm thinking we'll do the fun activity and then have a task we have to complete before the next hour in order to be able to open the next scroll... might as well use it as a good incentive to get some chores done, right?

Here's the activities I chose (in no particular order):

Play ring around the rosies
Make a cheese ball (for the party)
Read a book
Finger paint
Balloon Ping-Pong (link)
Dance with Streamers
Take a family picture
Make sock snowmen (link)
Go to honks (a local dollar store - partially to buy the rest of the supplies needed for our sock snowmen)
Make Pigs-in-a-blanket for lunch

I started out using my handy Cricut to cut out circles & numbers

I knew I wanted to use Brads - but I only have the cheap-o gold ones... so I got creative. A little fingernail polish gave them just the sparkle I wanted it!

I simply took an old sour cream container and taped a piece of scrap paper with holes punched in it to the top. That way the brads would be held steady for me to paint & let dry. New Years Eve is definitely a time for SPARKLE! {I found the glittery nail polish to be perfect!}

To make the accordion-style circle I had to get creative, once again, as I was unable to find my scoring tool... it turns out the dull side of a razor blade works BEAUTIFULLY for scoring!

I used three 4x12 inch segments of paper, scored every 1/2 inch to make my medallion.

Overlap & glue the ends together to form a circle

and add the middle circle:

Next, punch holes into each of the countdown circles & connect with your fancy new brads

Get your activities all printed out and ready to go

Make your scrolls

Attach the scrolls to the countdown

Hang up and get ready for some fun!

My 4 year old is already excited for {our} countdown!

Sounds to me like a good way to end 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, you are amazing! I love all the creative things you do to enliven your home and your callings! Thanks for posting these!!!!!
