August 10, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Instructions

1. Find the bright paper with QR code at each site.
2. Read the story
3. When you find the site that matches your prop - take a PICTURE! Make it cheesy/silly/FUN!
4. When you have reached your 5th stop - you've done them all. Please take down the poster and bring it home to throw away.
5. Hope your picture wins the prize (awarded tonight at the film festival)

Good luck!

August 9, 2013

Daily Herald

Grandma & Grandpa understand the value of hard work. When their children were younger, they taught them to work hard and live with-in their means. One way they taught this was through paper routes! They delivered newspapers every afternoon. They had them dropped on their front porch and had to roll them and deliver them. One year, when JulieAnn & Kris were engaged, they earned prizes from the paper routes- enough to take the whole family to Disneyland & the Los Angeles Zoo! We stayed in a fancy motel with Kris & the boys in one room and Mom, Dad & the girls in the other room.

Next Stop: 400 North 400 East

Provo Temple

When Grandma & Grandpa got married, the Provo Temple had not yet been built. It was announced about 1 year after they were married. On June 8, 1966 Grandma & Grandpa were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. Although they weren't married in the Provo Temple, it holds a power house of memories. Great-grandpa Pratt worked here for years. Grandma & Grandpa have done thousands of baptisms for our ancestors here with teens from all of mom's sisters families. David & Heidi, Susann & Frans, Rachel & Brian, and April & Garrett were all married here. Grandma & Grandpa love to see the temple and hope all of you do too!

Next Stop: Daily Herald (On Freedom Blvd.)

FM offices

This is where Grandpa started his workday bright and early - usually by 6:30am - for 17 years. He was a mechanical custodian for the church. A true "handyman!" He did things both big and small, from changing lightbulbs to replacing heating and air conditioning units. He was in charge of maintining 30 buildings!

Next Stop: Provo Temple (drive to the top of the hill)


Grandma & Grandpa (Roger & Rose) lived in the house where Rachel & Brian now live while Grandpa finished his last year at BYU. Everyday Grandpa would walk to BYU and back and climbed those stairs by the botany pond. He graduated from BYU in August of 1971 with a bachelors degree in Agricultural Economics ("Ag Econ"). He also had a minor in German with his 30 month mission to Germany!

Next Stop: FM office (behind church building at Wymount)

400 North 400 East

Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Pratt moved their family to a big old house on this property (where the park now is). They took in boarders who lived in the 3 upstairs bedrooms and the family lived on the main floor. Dawn, Sheryl & Grandma slept in one double bed. When they were older, they took in girl boarders and Steve went on his mission. Dawn, Sheryl & grandma moved to the bedrooms upstairs. At Christmas time they were allowed to have their own little tree on the landing at the top of the stairs. Their family let Santa decorate the Christmas tree. It was very exciting to creep down the stairs and peek! They would make sure to step carefully so the stairs didn't squeak! They would creep through the dining room, past the fireplace and plug in the tree lights to see the wonderful "fairy land of sparkling wonder!" Such cherished ornaments and the pine smell was glorious!
One year there was a TV by the tree! Wow! They were not in every home yet and still in black and white. Joy of joys! One year when they heard their dad coming and knew he'd send them back to bed, they hid in by the washer and dryer. There was a toilet in the room. Sheryl was pushing grandma to go farther and farther until she got stuck behind the toilet! Great-grandpa laughed when he found them, got them out and sent them back to bed!

Next Stop: BYU Botany Pond